Monday – Sunday — Buy tickets NOW and secure a time-slot with no waiting time!
Our address is:
Chocoversum GmbH
Meßberg 1
20095 Hamburg
Underground: U1 (from Central Station with direction Norderstedt) and get off at Meßberg, then follow the signs to the exit Meßberg.
Bus: Use the Metro Bus 4 or 6 (both barrier-free) to the station Brandstwiete.
You may find the public transportation timetables at
Ask your navigation system to take you to “Pumpen” street. You will find the CHOCOVERSUM entrance on your left-hand side.
The area around Pumpen and Burchardplatz provides paid parking for up to 60 minutes.
If you would like to park your car for longer than an hour (and please note the guided tour lasts 90 minutes), the car park “Deichtorhallen” (Oberbaumbrücke 1) is closest to the museum.
Ask your navigation system to take you to “Pumpen” street. You will find the CHOCOVERSUM entrance on your left-hand side.
In “Pumpen” street you can stop for the guest drop-off. There are parking spaces for coaches at the back of the CHOCOVERSUM on the southern Willy-Brandt-Straße. The max. parking duration is 2 hours.